Self care is necessary care, let's help you care for your skin

Oily Skin? Let's DIY

Having oily skin isn't synonymous to having acne. People with oily skin are more prone to having acne. What causes oily skin though?

When the sebaceous glands, located underneath the skin's surface, produces excess oil it leads to having oily skin. Having oily skin has the likelihood of leading to acne formation. Your genes could affect the excess production of oil. Stress and hormonal changes can also contribute to having oily skin. 

There's no cause for alarm if you have oily skin. These DIY or home remedies will help.

Honey Mask

Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is also a natural humectant. This means honey moisturizes your skin without producing oils. You can directly use honey on your freshly washed face and let it sit for about 10 minutes. You can alternatively add cinnamon powder to it or add it to your Bentonite Clay Face Mask if you have acne and acne scars. Rinse with warm water after and moisturize your face.

When life gives you lemons, make a mask

Having scrambled eggs with a glass of lemonade may be delicious, but your skin can enjoy these ingredients as well. Aside the antibacterial properties of lemon, the acid in it helps absorb oil. Using both lemon and eggs help tighten the pores of the skin. Squeeze one medium sized lemon and add the egg-white of an egg. Apply the mixture to your freshly washed faced. Let it sit on face till it dries up and wash out with warm water. Pat dry and moisturize your face.

Let's get 'clayey'

The Bentonite Clay Face Mask absorbs oil from the face whilst treating other skin conditions. To use, mix 1 to 2 table spoonfuls with honey, water, rosewater, apple cider vinegar, castor oil or any other preferred liquid of your choice. Apply it to your face. Let it sit for about 20 minutes to an hour (depending on what you're comfortable with) and rinse off with warm water and a face towel. Pat your face dry and moisturize after. 

It's Aloe Vera's turn

Seriously, what can't aloe vera do? Aloe Vera is known to treat a number of skin conditions such as redness, eczema and others. Oily skin stands no chance with aloe vera. Just apply a thin layer of aloe vera on your freshly washed face before bedtime. Keep it on during the night and wash it off in the morning. Do this at least once a week and watch the magic happen.

If you have oily skin because of your genes, it may be very difficult doing away with it completely. Staying away from sugar-rich foods, processed foods and fried foods might help. Avoid using very heavy make-up as well and continue taking good care of your skin. In case of further skin consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us on Facebook or Instagram or via +233 596 050 073.

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