Self care is necessary care, let's help you care for your skin

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Essential Facial Care Products

When it comes to facial care, nothing goes unnoticed. What you put on your skin matters considering how sensitive it is. Choosing facial products particularly made for the face with no harsh chemicals will do you a lot of good. Yes, there are a lot of products on the market but how do you know which ones are ideal for you? There are some essentials you need for your face.  Shea Butter Bar Soap The basics of any good skincare regimen is to start with clean skin. The Shea Butter Bar Soap does just that - it gently cleans and moisturizes. This all-natural shea butter soap is enriched with shea butter and natural oils to gently cleanse leaving your face and skin...

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Oily Skin? Let's DIY

Having oily skin isn't synonymous to having acne. People with oily skin are more prone to having acne. What causes oily skin though? When the sebaceous glands, located underneath the skin's surface, produces excess oil it leads to having oily skin. Having oily skin has the likelihood of leading to acne formation. Your genes could affect the excess production of oil. Stress and hormonal changes can also contribute to having oily skin.  There's no cause for alarm if you have oily skin. These DIY or home remedies will help. Honey Mask Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is also a natural humectant. This means honey moisturizes your skin without producing oils. You can directly use honey on your freshly washed...

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Different Skin Types And Their Care Routine

The type of skin you have usually determines the kind of products you ought to use. It is important to select skin care products made specifically for your skin. This is why knowing the type of skin you have is very critical. If you don't know what skin type you have, don't worry. We're here to help. Skin types The different skin types are as follows; Dry Skin Dry skin is usually flaky and rough. Sometimes, it can itch a bit. It might feel tight with some wrinkles.  Normal Skin This type of skin has a balanced production of sebum (naturally produced oil). The skin is neither dry or oily.  Oily Skin This is when the skin produces extra oil...

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Ideal Skincare Routine For Oily Skin

There's a popular misconception out there that you don't need to do much to your face if you have oily skin. That's false. Oily skin requires extra care and attention. This is why it is important to develop a skincare routine to take extra care of your face. These are a few essentials to include in your routine. Cleanse your face One of the best things you can do for your skin is to cleanse it. You can do so either by using mild soap such as the Shea Butter Bar Soap or by using a Facial Cleanser or both depending on how sensitive your skin is. Whichever way, this is to help clean the face of any dirt or extra...

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Caring For Oily Skin

Having oily skin in itself isn't a bad thing. It only becomes a problem when there's too much of it and you're doing nothing about it. Before we get into the substance of the matter, let's cover some basics. The skin needs natural oils to stay healthy. This is why the sebaceous glands of the skin produces an oily and waxy substance known as sebum. Sebum protects, moisturizes and coats the skin and is essential for healthy skin. What we normally refer to as natural oils on the skin is actually sebum.  You're producing sebum in excess if you have 'oily' skin. This excess oil when left unattended picks up sweat, dead skin cells, impurities, etc which could then develop...

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