Self care is necessary care, let's help you care for your skin

Sensitive Skin? Here's What You Need To Do

Having sensitive skin is a blessing in disguise. You get to carefully select the type of products to use on your skin. It gets better, what you eat plays a huge role on your skin care as well. In case you're lost in what you should and should not do, here are a few tips to get you going.

Be selective about what you eat

One of the best things you can do for your skin, is to be very selective of what you eat especially if you have sensitive skin. Brightly coloured fruits and leafy-green vegetables are a great place to start from. You might also want to monitor how your skin reacts to other foods such as fish, meat, beans, tubers, etc just to be on the safer side. Don't forget to drink a lot of water too. 

Choose skin care products carefully

Not all skin care products are ideal for use on sensitive skin. When choosing your products, go in for mildly fragranced products or those with no fragrance at all. Also, be on the lookout for products which are gentle on the skin. A patch test is always a good idea. The Sensitive Skin set from Kaydua Luxury does a good job of keeping your skin healthy.

Clean your make up brushes

It's been a while since you gave your makeup brushes a proper deep clean. You've done enough damage to your skin already by not regularly washing your brushes. The bacteria resting on those brushes are happy with you. Give your brushes a good clean, now!

Don't use too many products at a go

Apart from the possibility of different product components clashing, using too many products on your skin all at once may cause a reaction when it comes to sensitive skin. Keep it simple. 

Do not over-exfoliate

There's often the temptation of over-exfoliating to get rid of dead skin cells. Exfoliating just 2 times a week is ideal for sensitive skin. You can do so with the Face and Body Scrub. It is gentle on the skin and efficient. 

 Identify your triggers

Keep a journal for this if possible. Identify any triggers you might have. It could be food, skin care products, laundry detergents, etc. Knowing exactly what your triggers are helps in eliminating them. Being meticulous about this could save you from a lot of stress. 

Do not be worried if you have sensitive skin. You have all it takes to take good care of it. For further consultation on skin care, please do not hesitate to contact Kaydua Luxury on +233 596 050 073 or @kaydualuxury via Facebook and Instagram.

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