Self care is necessary care, let's help you care for your skin

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Sensitive Skin? Here's What You Need To Do

Having sensitive skin is a blessing in disguise. You get to carefully select the type of products to use on your skin. It gets better, what you eat plays a huge role on your skin care as well. In case you're lost in what you should and should not do, here are a few tips to get you going. Be selective about what you eat One of the best things you can do for your skin, is to be very selective of what you eat especially if you have sensitive skin. Brightly coloured fruits and leafy-green vegetables are a great place to start from. You might also want to monitor how your skin reacts to other foods such as fish,...

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Surviving The Harsh Harmattan Weather

Christmas in our part of the world screams one thing, the harmattan. The harmattan is no joke. This extremely dry weather comes with a lot of dust and very dry hair. Apart from it being extremely uncomfortable, it has dire effects on the skin if not treated well. So what can you do to make sure your skin does not suffer unduly from the harmattan? Limit your time in the shower We get it. You might want to organize a whole concert in the shower but do limit your bath time to about 5 to 10 minutes. Staying too long in the shower strips off your natural oils. You do need all the natural oils you can get during this period. Shower...

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Pros and Cons of Skin Toning

Before we delve into substantive matters, let's clarify one thing - toning here does not mean bleaching. Now that that's out of the way, let's proceed. Toning, in recent times, has gained a lot of popularity among people interested in their skincare. In simple terms, toning helps in refreshing your facial skin whilst keeping its natural oils intact. There are usually stand-alone toners or 2-in-1 facial cleanser and toner. Pros of Using Facial Toner Toners are mostly used to remove any dirt, bacteria, impurities, etc stuck on face or pores even after washing your face. Whilst deeply cleansing, toners also help in balancing the skin's pH Improves the skin tone Smoothens rough patches  Removes excess dirt Aids in removing makeup and...

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Is Your Skin Purging or Are You Breaking Out?

Purging! It sounds scary but is it? Purging, more often than not, occurs when your skin reacts to or has a sudden acne flare up from using a new skin care product. Is this something you need to worry about?  Although it's nothing to worry about, a sudden acne flare up might be a bit irritating especially if you're looking at clearing existing acne. You might be tempted to do away with the new skin product but don't. This is just the beginning of something amazing. Why does it happen? Your skin might be getting rid of harmful toxins including dead skin cells, oil, dirt, bacteria, etc found under the surface of the skin. This occurs mostly after using chemical-based...

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Hacks for Sensitive Skin

For a lot of us with sensitive skin, avoiding skincare trends and products seems to be the safest thing to do - and for good reason. Being adventurous with trends could be risky particularly since a wrong move could be disastrous. This post isn't about telling you what to do or what not to do, but rather to provide a guide if you have sensitive skin. Relax, it'll be good. Do a patch test This might seem so simplistic but actually very helpful. Instead of playing the guessing game with your skincare products, do a patch test of any new product you want to use for your skin. That way, you can be certain if you would react or otherwise...

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