Self care is necessary care, let's help you care for your skin

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Surviving The Harsh Harmattan Weather

Christmas in our part of the world screams one thing, the harmattan. The harmattan is no joke. This extremely dry weather comes with a lot of dust and very dry hair. Apart from it being extremely uncomfortable, it has dire effects on the skin if not treated well. So what can you do to make sure your skin does not suffer unduly from the harmattan? Limit your time in the shower We get it. You might want to organize a whole concert in the shower but do limit your bath time to about 5 to 10 minutes. Staying too long in the shower strips off your natural oils. You do need all the natural oils you can get during this period. Shower...

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Unhealthy Skincare Practices You Need To Stop

Skin care can be very simple yet complicated. Although we just want our skin to be healthy, certain practices might prevent that from happening. It might not even be intentional. Today, we try to digest some skincare practices which might be damaging our skin. Over cleansing Do you feel itchy after cleansing? Or do you feel some kind of irritation right after cleansing? Does your face dry up immediately after you cleanse? You're probably over-cleansing. You might end up drying up your skin if such practice is continued. Rather, choose one type of cleanser and stick to it for sometime before gradually introducing the others if need be. Using hot water to bath This is a very popular one. Using...

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