Self care is necessary care, let's help you care for your skin

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Oily Skin? Let's DIY

Having oily skin isn't synonymous to having acne. People with oily skin are more prone to having acne. What causes oily skin though? When the sebaceous glands, located underneath the skin's surface, produces excess oil it leads to having oily skin. Having oily skin has the likelihood of leading to acne formation. Your genes could affect the excess production of oil. Stress and hormonal changes can also contribute to having oily skin.  There's no cause for alarm if you have oily skin. These DIY or home remedies will help. Honey Mask Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is also a natural humectant. This means honey moisturizes your skin without producing oils. You can directly use honey on your freshly washed...

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Are You Purging Or Breaking Out?

One of the common skincare challenges you're likely to experience in your skincare journey is purging. Don't worry, it's nothing scary. In fact, it is completely normal.  What is purging? Purging occurs when your skin reacts to or has a sudden acne flare up from using a new skin care product. Although it's nothing to worry about, a sudden acne flare up might be a bit irritating especially if you're looking at clearing existing acne. You might be tempted to do away with the new skin product but don't. This is just the beginning of something amazing. Why does it happen? Your skin might be getting rid of harmful toxins including dead skin cells, oil, dirt, bacteria, etc found under the...

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The Basics of Facial Care

Healthy blemish-free skin is the goal. This doesn't come easy. Staying consistent with your facial care plays an important role. With every passing day, our face is exposed to the harsh weather conditions and pollutants. It is therefore imperative that we protect and take care of it. You can start by having a routine and choosing the right products suitable for your skin type. The Facial Set by Kaydua Luxury has all the essentials you need to properly take care of your face Shea Butter Bar Soap The first step is to purify and properly clean your face to get rid of any pollutants which have settled on your face. The shea butter bar soap is enriched with shea butter and natural oils to gently cleanse...

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Bentonite Clay Is Good For Your Skin

Clay is known for many things but who knew Bentonite Clay is a must-have for skincare? The many great benefits of Bentonite Clay makes it ideal for use in many skincare products. Here are a few of them. Gets rid of common skin problems Common skin care issues such as blemishes, redness, dark spots and the likes are no problem at all when using Bentonite Clay Masks. The Kaydua Luxury Facial Masks, made from Bentonite Clay, when used regularly and consistently helps in clearing these skin issues. They are available in Charcoal, Hibiscus and Coffee.  Great for acne-prone and oily skin Bentonite Clay Facial Masks do an excellent job of zapping excess oil from the face. It also has a soothing...

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Exfoliate! Your Skin Needs It

Healthy skin is the goal. It doesn't just happen. It takes consistency over time to get the desired results. One way of doing so is by exfoliating. What exactly is exfoliation and what are its benefits? Exfoliation basically means getting rid of the dead skin cells. You can do this by using an exfoliating tool, chemical or a Face and Body Scrub. Naturally our skin sheds off dead skin cells although not completely which could results in clogged pores and dry or flaky skin. Exfoliating helps get rid of this for a more flawless and smooth skin. Why do you need to exfoliate? Exfoliating helps unclog pores  Day in day out, our skin is exposed to dirt particles, toxins in...

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