Self care is necessary care, let's help you care for your skin

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Skincare for Lactating Mothers: Nourishing You and Your Baby

Motherhood is a beautiful and transformative journey, and for lactating mothers, it comes with its own set of unique challenges and joys. While you're busy nourishing your little one, it's equally essential to care for yourself, especially your skin. The hormonal fluctuations and demands of breastfeeding can affect your skin, but with a well-thought-out skincare routine, you can maintain healthy, glowing skin while ensuring the best for your baby. In this post, we explore some essential skincare tips for lactating mothers. Hydration is Key Hydration is the foundation of good skincare, and it's even more crucial for lactating mothers. Breastfeeding can lead to increased fluid loss, making it essential to replenish your body's water supply. Drink plenty of water throughout...

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Pregnant? Brace Yourself For These Changes

You're pregnant! Congratulations. Your body is undergoing a lot of changes. Your skin is not left out. The 'raging' hormonal changes is one of the main contributory factors to these changes. There's nothing to worry about. A lot of these changes revert during post-partum. There are others which need a bit more care. Here are some skin care conditions likely to show up during pregnancy. Hyperpigmentation The darkening of some parts of the body, otherwise known as hyperpigmentation, occurs during pregnancy due to increased melanin production. For most pregnant women, this shows up as the linea nigra or pregnancy line on the abdomen. Other parts likely to experience this include the areola, nipples, neck, face and genital area. The up side...

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Pregnancy-related skin conditions

It's no secret pregnancy comes along with its own issues and complications. The skin is not left out. Hormonal changes during pregnancy contributes to some skin challenges. The good thing is that some of these conditions go away post-partum. Others also require treatments. Here are some skin care conditions which could develop during pregnancy. Stretch Marks Stretch marks during pregnancy is very common. This usually occurs on the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks or breasts. It is very common among younger women and women with high body index. Pregnant women with large babies are also at risk. Stretch marks during pregnancy is usually as a result of the skin stretching as well as some hormonal changes.  For some people, stretch marks...

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