Self care is necessary care, let's help you care for your skin

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The Basics of Facial Skin Care

When it comes to facial care, the ultimate is proper care. Its delicate nature makes it imperative to use tried and tested practices in order not to aggravate the skin. The basics of facial care are simple and easy to do.  Cleanse One of the best things you can do for your face is to cleanse it. There are different cleansers on the market. Cleansing comes in two parts. Washing the face with a soap-based cleanser such as the Shea Butter Soaps and water-based cleansers such as the Facial Cleanser from Kaydua Luxury. Cleansing your face helps in removing any dirt or clogged pores which could lead to the formation of acne.   Exfoliate One of the best things you can do...

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Of Masks And Scrubs

Don't get overwhelmed by the multitude of skincare products out there. Facial masks and scrubs are some of the essentials needed for healthy skin. Today's post explains why you need these two essential products in your skincare bag. Ready to explore with us? Facial Masks These come in different types ranging from clay masks to peels to DIYs and a host of other things. Generally, facial masks are great for removing impurities from the skin. It helps unclog pores without stripping your skin of its natural oils.  After masks are applied, they are left on a while longer to be able to penetrate the skin and work its magic. Essentially, facial masks are great for diminishing fine lines refining pores...

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Unhealthy Skincare Practices You Need To Stop

Skin care can be very simple yet complicated. Although we just want our skin to be healthy, certain practices might prevent that from happening. It might not even be intentional. Today, we try to digest some skincare practices which might be damaging our skin. Over cleansing Do you feel itchy after cleansing? Or do you feel some kind of irritation right after cleansing? Does your face dry up immediately after you cleanse? You're probably over-cleansing. You might end up drying up your skin if such practice is continued. Rather, choose one type of cleanser and stick to it for sometime before gradually introducing the others if need be. Using hot water to bath This is a very popular one. Using...

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Caring For Oily Skin

Having oily skin in itself isn't a bad thing. It only becomes a problem when there's too much of it and you're doing nothing about it. Before we get into the substance of the matter, let's cover some basics. The skin needs natural oils to stay healthy. This is why the sebaceous glands of the skin produces an oily and waxy substance known as sebum. Sebum protects, moisturizes and coats the skin and is essential for healthy skin. What we normally refer to as natural oils on the skin is actually sebum.  You're producing sebum in excess if you have 'oily' skin. This excess oil when left unattended picks up sweat, dead skin cells, impurities, etc which could then develop...

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Exfoliating From Head To Toe

Oftentimes when we mention exfoliation, our thoughts go to the face right away. However, exfoliation goes beyond the face. In simple terms, exfoliation is getting rid of dead skin cells, dirt and impurities on the body. This means exfoliation can be done from head to toe with no qualms. How do you go about it? Let's take it in sections Facial Exfoliation When exfoliating the face, one of the most important things to take into consideration is your skin type and skin conditions you might be facing. Physical exfoliants are best for sensitive skin whilst chemical peels and exfoliants are best for normal skin. To start, wet your face a bit with water to make it damp. Applying the exfoliant...

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